At 24 years old, I'm beginning my foray into the creative and exciting world of photography. What brought me here? Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. There was just a void in my life and I needed to fill it. Photography seemed like the perfect way to combine my desire to learn more about myself, and others.
Full disclosure, I've never actually been involved with photography before. Yes, there was that photography class I took at camp one summer where I took pictures of flowers and developed film in a dark room (with help from the teacher). Though I learned about all the different chemicals and terminology behind a manual film camera, truthfully, all I really learned was how to press a button. This, however, is my own personal lesson about how to capture life.
So, please join me on my path to absorb all I can about this world. It may not be a straight path, nor necessarily the most accurate (apologies in advance for that), but it's one that I hope to be enlightening.
This is my first step into "Poor Lighting."
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