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New York Comic Con

Loooong overdue.

New York Comic Con. Where else would one find a more eclectic bunch? A group of people who are so passionate about their hobbies/obsessions that they proudly where it on their backs, literally.

Seriously nerding out in the best way and not afraid of what people think of them.

Where else can you find folks in cosplay, outside in a dance circle, shaking it to the "Cupid Shuffle"?

And where else can you find people who are not afraid to admit that they're 25 and still love these little guys?

For me, the most difficult part about shooting at Comic Con was adjusting to the lighting. Initially, a lot of my shots came out blue, so I spent a lot of time playing with the white balance until I was finally happy with the result. 

And, the second most difficult part was that there was just SO MUCH going on, which is my usual problem. My eyes were overly-stimulated, I guess. I just wanted to capture everything, but in my mind, I wanted to edit myself and be picky about what I caught on camera.

Is it better to take as many pictures as possible in order to have more options later? Or shoot exactly what I want initially?

I think I answered my own question...


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